Fellowship Program

We have a very extensive fellowship training program.  Our fellows are an integral part of our teaching, research and clinical care.

Dr. Chad Coles is our Fellowship Director, please contact his office for more details.  You can also contact the individual surgeons you would like to work with to apply for a fellowship.

–  Foot and Ankle Fellowship  : with Dr. Glazebrook and Dr. Morash.

–  Sports Medicine Fellowship : with Drs. Wong, Coady and Glazebrook.

Upper Extremity Fellowship with Dr. Trenholm and Dr. Johnston.

– Trauma Fellowship : please contact Dr. Coles or Dr. Leighton, they each have separate fellowships.

– Arthroplasty and Revisions Fellowship : please contact Dr. Dunbar and Dr. Richardson.

– Spine Fellowship : please contact Dr. Oxner and Dr. Glennie

– Paediatric Fellowships : Please contact Dr. El-Hawary at the IWK.


Dr. Alexander Dr. Amirault Dr. Biddulph Dr. Coady Dr. Coles Dr. Dunbar Dr. Glazebrook Dr. Gross Dr. Johnston Dr. Leighton Dr. Oxner
Dr. Reardon Dr. Richardson Dr. Trenholm Dr. Wong Dr. Howard Dr. Orlik Dr. Logan Dr. El-Hawary Dr. O'Brien Dr. Legay Dr. Venugopal